Covid-19: a message from Cassa President Linda Kundert

Hello Cassa Friends,

We are now in the middle of dealing with the reality of Covid-19, and everyone has been social distancing and doing their part. We, at Cassa, would like to express our concerns for you, and our best wishes to you, for continued good health while you handle your particular situation in your own way.

At the moment, we are waiting to see how these circumstances unfold. We have moved our early bird deadline to June 15th instead of May 15th, and we will make a decision in early June as to whether we go ahead with summer programs as we know them, or not.

In the meantime, we are working on some online offerings, so stay tuned for some wonderful opportunities with Cassa. We are committed to our ethical and high-level quality programming as we make the leap. We continue to support our participants and contractors, and we are concerned about you.

“Consider that your work through music awakens and stimulates the three greatest attributes of humankind — emotion, curiosity, and imagination — all the while opening the door to a sublime realm of beauty and a higher purpose for humanity.” (Peter Simon, President of the Royal Conservatory of Music)

The following is an article about the benefits of studying music, for your continued inspiration, and anticipation of a renewed future.

Yours Truly,

Linda Kundert

Cassa President & Artistic Director

PS Enjoy our newsletter here…

Save the date - Recital Announcement - Taryn Platter

Early Recital Announcement: Sweeter than Roses

On Friday May 22nd at 8pm, join us for a delightfully sweet recital in the beautiful setting of Hycroft Manor. The program, ranging from opera excerpts to newly composed songs, will be performed by three singers (Emma Jang, Nicole Koh, and Taryn Plater) with piano (Derek Stanyer), and harp (Hayley Farenholtz).

Stay tuned - tickets go on sale in late March!

2020 Cassa recital confirmed! Dr. Christopher Hahn plays the Waldstein!

July 19, 7 pm, St. Vladimir’s Cultural Centre. Buy tickets here.

Family (up to 7 people): $50

Adults: $20

Students and seniors: $15

Cassa is thrilled to announce that our annual recital will feature Dr. Christopher Hahn playing Beethoven’s magnificent Waldstein Sonata, as well as Louie’s I Leap Through the Sky with Stars. Cassa instructors will also be performing - TBA.

Tickets may be purchased at the door, or on our registration page here.

Cassa Grad Taryn Platter starring at UBC!

Taryn Platter is a former Cassa camper and assistant who is now doing remarkable things in UBC’s production of Mieczysław Weinberg’s Pasazerka (The Passenger). See a live recording here:


Funding of music education has been on the decline for a very long time. According to the Coalition for Music Education, only about one-quarter of schools teach music as part of a

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